Contact Us


Welcome to FAQ.

Here you will find some of the questions frequently asked by our customers. If you cannot find the answer to your question, simply call us or send e-mail. We look forward to helping you.

1.Are you trader or manufacturer?
We are a trader, but we have long-term cooperative factories, which are the leaders in the domestic production of products of different categories, and can give our customers better prices.What’s more, we have a professional after-sales service team to ensure after-sales problems. So after-sales and price is definitely your best choice.

2.What kind of customization you can do for us?
Logo, label, color box and master carton is acceptable.

3.Do you have products with lower MOQ?
Of course. The product in category of “Ready to Ship” can meet your needs of low MOQ and short-term delivery.

4.Could I take sample before bulk order?
Sure, we are glad to provide sample for you.

5.Could I know about the cost of shipping?
Certainly, we will provide the best solution for you according to your favorite product, country and zip code.

Get in touch

Whether you have inquiries, questions, or any concerns, we always like to hear them and we look forward to helping you.      Moblie:+86 13229853861     Mobile:+86 15219769254
